Salikin Sidek Photo Session – Malaysia

I am not a Fashion Photographer, so when the stylists ask me in which locations I want to do the photo sessions I always propose outdoors, in the kampungs.

There is nothing more fascinating than seeing clothes blend into their surroundings, especially if they are traditional clothes.

And, to see the amazed faces of the locals..

This was mine session photos with the famous Malaysian designer Salikin Sidek, with his amazing traditional dress, for his publication with Kumpulan Media Karangkraf.

Models: Natsha & Asyraf Nordin
Make-Up: Lina from Umijal Bridal
Location: Kuala Selangor
Home Puan Jue & Tuan Amin Laman Jumen 

Kuala Selangor, MALAYSIA – 21 December 2017





Interview Ikon SkillsMalaysia : Salikin Sidek



  1. Cantik foto. Dan ada seksi baju lelaki. 🤭

    You can be fashion photographer. You also can be cultural oriented photographer.

    Semua boleh.😊

  2. Superb shots. So expressive😍.. You are what you are,your unique awesome style and trademark. Hat's off.

  3. Busananya ciptaan beliau selalu cantik. Dalam foto-foto Stefano Romano, peragaan busana dan modelnya tampak begitu anggun serta menyerlah.

    And Salikin Sidek is my friend too..always proud of him.
    Thanks for sharing 👍👍👍

  4. Stunning! Both photos n outfit look amazing 😍

  5. Traditional
    and kampung...never failed...nice blend as always.
    And with good shot from you...they look perfect..!!!


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