
List of Books:

Kampungku Indonesia

"Stefano Romano's sensitive camera lens captures in vivid color aspects of Indonesian life that have barely changed in decades or even centuries but also aspects where the impact of modernity is encroaching on the traditional. The photographs shine with warmth and humanity reflecting Stefano's passion for Indonesia and its people."--Scott Merrillees

172 pages / Hardcover / 21 x 27 cm / Color /Language: Indonesia / ISBN: 978-979-433-945-9 / Mizan, Indonesia / July 2016. Click here to order:

Sweet Light: Meraih Cahaya Melalui Fotografi

A book of inspiration, the story of action, and aspiration. This second book presents the author's photographic vision and his journey among communities of migrants in Rome, which has brought him a cultural understanding of people from different backgrounds.  

"Benang merah Sweet Light adalah kehidupan... Lebih dari sekadar buku fotografi."--Adek Berry, jurnalis foto AFP 

 120 pages / Paperback / 14,5 x 21,5 cm / 40 photos / Language: Indonesia / ISBN: 978-602-441-075-9 / Mizan, Indonesia / August, 2019. Click here to order: Buku Sore 

Saying It From The Heart #usmstyle

A visual narration about the life of the people in Universiti Sains Malaysia as seen and captured by Stefano Romano, a photographer from Italy, during his brief tenure at the University. For a year, he traveled along the paths of the campus and inside the faces of its people, trying to understand the people in a new land he never met before.

Compelling photos created out of the ordinary, passing moments in this book are a testimony that in Universiti Sains Malaysia, love and compassion are not a luxury. The University’s achievements are indeed supported by its people, the value they uphold, and the human aspect in everyone. Thus, this book serves as a visual reminder to all that humanity is not a subject to be learned and taught in Universiti Sains Malaysia. Humanity is celebrated here …

44.5 x 31.5 cm / Hard Cover and Soft Cover / Language: English / ISBN: 978-967-461-440-9 / USM Press, Malaysia/ September 2019. Click here to order: Penerbit USM

Sweet Light: Inspiration from 10 years Photographing Bangladeshi in Rome

Stefano Romano travels around the world through the portraits of migrants living in his city, Rome. But not only traveling the world, but photography has also taken him exploring further into humanity: appreciating diversity, finding unity fighting prejudices. 

This book presents his photographic vision and journey, which has brought him a cultural understanding of people from different backgrounds. His appreciation of Bangladesh culture is expressed in many writing and photographs in this book. Stefano's inspiring stories and original ideas will charm you, and his gorgeous photographs with strong colors provide intriguing insights into human nature.

117 pages/ Paperback/40 photos/Language: English/ISBN: 978-984-042-483-2/Agamee Prokashoni, Bangladesh/February 2020.  Click here to order:

My Malaysian Tales 

This book will take you to travel to the heart of the land and the people of Malaysia—from the traditional to the modern, from the rural areas to the urbanscapes. Changes are speeding fast in this region of Asia, but traces of the old times and soul are still to be seen if you know where to look.

My Malaysian Tales presents photos, stories, and personal notes that will give you a closer look at and understanding of the country.

Not an ordinary travel photography book with images, narratives, and insights. It's a travel odyssey of one man, with genuine care and an insatiable curiosity for searching, understanding, and experiencing new and different cultures in the country that's close to his heart.

154 pages / Paperback / Color / Language: English / ISBN: 978-1-716-47176-6 / October 2020 
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My Bangladesh Tales

We travel to meet new people, we travel to know people better. That's what brings Stefano Romano on his trip to Bangladesh. It has been his dream to be on the land of the people who have been among his best friends in his hometown, Rome. To see them in their homeland is an experience he seeks to have a better understanding of.  
With the same intelligence and charm he brought to "My Malaysian Tales", Stefano Romano presents here stories and pictures from his Bangladesh trip. He's incredibly articulate when describing the experience he had with the people, the places, and traditions. Stefano even takes us to visit the biggest Rohingya refugee camp in Cox's Bazar and tells stories of photographing fleeting moments with determination.  
Nicely combines the art of seeing with the art of traveling, "My Bangladesh Tales" will open our eyes to a new way to see the world, a new way to travel.

164 pages/ Paperback / Color / 7 x 10 in / Language: English / ISBN: 9781716449970 / February 2021
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Old Dhaka 

È disponibile il mio ultimo progetto editoriale in collaborazione con Petites Vertus. Con un'introduzione di Fabio Moscatelli. Leporello in custodia realizzato interamente a mano secondo la tradizionale tecnica orientale. Edizione limitata a 30 copie numera e firmate, 6 di esse contengono una foto extra stampa fine art su carta Hahnemuhle. 

Misure libro chiuso 17x20h / Misure pagina doppia: 34x20h / Photo Rag 188 gsm / Maggio 2021

Racconti Asiatici, Sei storie di donne

Sei storie di donne di età differenti per raccontare le tradizioni, la cultura, la religione, di sei paesi dell'Asia: la giornata di una venditrice di abiti per monaci a Yangon, un viaggio di ritorno nel nord delle Filippine, i pensieri di una donna anziana in un kampung della Malesia, una top model dai piani più alti dei grattacieli di Giacarta, le ferite di una ragazza nei villaggi rurali dell'India, fino agli elefanti bianchi della Thailandia.

"Sono i racconti di vita di donne qualunque, di varia estrazione sociale, di varie età e destini mediate dalla lente di un uomo, Stefano Romano, che da più di vent’anni si dedica alla conoscenza e alla divulgazione dell’Asia in Italia."  (Antonia Soriente, Università di Napoli L’Orientale)

Publication Date: Feb 22, 2022
Language: Italian
Category: Fiction
Pages: 184

Damba, Lara, dan Cinta

Buku ini menyajikan kisah enam perempuan Asia dengan berbagai usia berbeda untuk menceritakan pengalaman, tradisi, budaya, agama enam negara: seorang wanita penjual pakaian biksu di Yangon, perjalanan pulang ke utara Filipina seorang wanita pekerja migran di Italia, pemikiran seorang wanita tua di kampung Malaysia, kehidupan pribadi seorang supermodel yang tinggal di lantai tertinggi gedung pencakar langit Jakarta, luka seorang gadis di pedesaan India, hingga memori seorang anak perempuan tentang gajah putih di Thailand.
“Ini adalah kisah hidup wanita biasa, dari berbagai latar belakang sosial, dari berbagai usia dan takdir yang disampaikan melalui sudut pandang seorang pria, Stefano Romano, yang selama lebih dari dua puluh tahun telah mengabdikan dirinya untuk pengetahuan dan penyebaran Asia di Italia."--Antonia Soriente, Universitas L'Orientale Napoli



    The notebook diary of an emotionally-charged heartwarming and refreshing.

    The photographer's wisdom in arranging his photographs give an emotional critique of the feeling from soul to soul.

    Great done Tuan...!!!

    Highly recommended to those who are lazy to read words in books...these photobooks may help@nitaRAF


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