Ratha Yatra in Torpignattara, 2022 on July 04, 2022 asia celebration china culture dance festival flower hindu history italy japan migrant +
One morning at the Buddhist Vihara on February 16, 2022 buddha burmese culture dance italy japan people performance photography places sri lanka stage Thailand tradition +
“The Photographs I Love” 16 — Pinkhassov on December 14, 2020 color French japan people photography street photography +
The Voice of Colors – Part Two on September 18, 2020 china color culture hindu india japan painting philosophy Thailand tradition +
Beat the Time: The Dance (Part Three) on July 09, 2020 africa bangladesh bolivia china dance india indonesia italy japan malaysia philippines portrait sri lanka Thailand +
Beat the Time: The Dance (Part Two) on July 08, 2020 china dance fashion indonesia japan malaysia music Thailand +
Rhymes and Assonances: Two Photographers At the Mirror on April 18, 2020 japan photo book photography street photography +