The Sri Lankan Protest in Rome for Democracy on April 12, 2022 italy migrant people sri lanka street photography +
One morning at the Buddhist Vihara on February 16, 2022 buddha burmese culture dance italy japan people performance photography places sri lanka stage Thailand tradition +
Saanvi's Revenge – Part Three on January 15, 2022 art asia asian tales culture dance dream education people performance sri lanka writing +
Saanvi's Revenge – Part Two on January 12, 2022 asia asian tales culture dance dream education hindu sri lanka writing +
Salangai Pooja on November 10, 2021 celebration color culture festival hindu india italy people sri lanka tradition +
Dilsara & Alessia: The Beauty of Sri Lanka Tradition on January 02, 2021 culture fashion people photography portrait sri lanka +
Good Shepherd International School on October 17, 2020 bangladesh india italy migrant people sri lanka +
Beat the Time: The Dance (Part Three) on July 09, 2020 africa bangladesh bolivia china dance india indonesia italy japan malaysia philippines portrait sri lanka Thailand +
Beat the Time: The Dance (Part One) on July 07, 2020 africa bolivia dance hindu india italy music sri lanka +